How to become an author?

When developing courses, content goes through certain stages: work with the author and methodologists, editors, and designers. Below we have collected the main recommendations and approaches that we use for writing text content.

How Our Recommendations Can Help:

  • Structuring your knowledge
  • Identifying blocks of meaning in a text
  • Determining the level of complexity of the material depending on the target audience
  • Explaining complicated things in simple language
  • Formatting, editing, and proofreading text

List of Recommendations

Use Our Checklist

  • The lesson is divided into meaningful blocks with subheadings
  • The subtitles are worded to reflect the subthemes of the lesson
  • The rule “One paragraph is one thought” is followed
  • The topic of the lesson is revealed consistently:
    • “From the familiar to the unfamiliar”
    • “From simple to complex”
    • “From the general to the particular”
  • The introduction explains how the lesson is structured, what topics are covered, and why these topics are important
  • The conclusion summarizes and lists the key points

Paragraph and Sentence Structure

  • No monotonous passages with the same length of sentences
  • No paragraphs with hidden convoluted thoughts (“worth mentioning”, “take note”)
  • No sentences with hidden action (verbal nouns)
  • No sentences with a hidden subject (passive, modal, and reflexive verbs)